Racing of the night book summary
Racing of the night book summary

racing of the night book summary

Luke, previously one of Robert's closest friends, now rejects him completely for turning on Mick. Refusing to live in a 'haunted' house, Robert's mother moves the family back to Dublin where they stay with the disgruntled Carmel and her eighteen-year-old son Luke. Robert's mother also realizes about this time that the bill collectors eventually will track her down-they already are pestering his sister Carmel in Dublin. Robert eventually discovers that Lars has not simply left but has been murdered. They also hear many rumors about the house being haunted by fairies. Robert and his mother also learn the previous tenant, Lars, has gone missing. Coleman is a good humored and hard-working and teaches Robert about farm life, work, and morality.Īs time passes, Dennis becomes obsessed with an imaginary nocturnal visitor and often leaves the rented house through the dog flap on the door. Meanwhile, during his time near Ennis, Robert is befriended by Coleman Dooley, the son of PJ and Margaret. On subsequent trips Robert realizes that his remaining friends want nothing more to do with him because they feel he no longer is reliable in a pinch because he didn't remain silent with the police. When the police pick him up he rats out his older friend, Mick, and Mick is sent to prison while Robert is returned home. On his first return he steals an automobile and subsequently is involved in a crash. On every trip he gets into criminal mischief and uses drugs and alcohol. Over the course of the next two weeks, Robert does manage to get himself back to Dublin a few times.

racing of the night book summary

Robert immediately decides he hates the country and plans to return to Dublin to spend more time with his friends pursuing criminal endeavors and having fun. Robert's mother does not work and lives on the dole, or public funds, supplemented with whatever she can borrow from anyone. The family moves into a small house on the property of PJ and Margaret Dooley and they pay the deposit and first rent with borrowed money. Robert's mother moves for two primary reasons-she wants to get Robert away from his criminal gang, and in turn she hopes to elude numerous debt collectors who pester her for money. The family relocates from Dublin to a small rural area on the outskirts of Ennis in County Clare. Finally, the train arrives and they are pushed inside.Robert, or Bobby, is a fourteen-year-old Irish youth living with his unmarried mother and his brother Dennis, who is four-years-old.They march until they are told to stop and wait for the train. Eliezer manages to slip into the left side and, in the middle of confusion, move his father back to the right. A selection! Eliezer’s father is sent to the left (bad side).On the third day, they are driven out of the barracks.SS officers guard the doors to the barracks. They stay at Gleiwitz for three days without food or water.When he wakes up, Juliek is dead and his violin is crushed beside him.Then he hears the violin-Juliek playing Beethoven through the long night.At last he fights until he reaches some air. Eliezer’s friend, Juliek, is also struggling but the worst thing, for him, is that his violin is getting smashed.There are so many people that they are stacked on each other to sleep. At last, they reach a camp, Gleiwitz, and they enter the barracks to sleep.

racing of the night book summary

Eliezer can’t even feel his wounded foot.

  • Eliezer utters a prayer that God will never let him be so cruel to his own father.
  • Eliezer says he hasn’t seen him but after the Rabbi leaves, Eliezer remembers seeing the Rabbi’s son running beside him, looking back and leaving his old, weak father behind.
  • Rabbi Eliahu comes looking for his son.
  • This is his admission that his father hovers between life and death.
  • Eliezer’s father smiles at him, and Eliezer wonders from which world the smile comes.
  • Eliezer and his dad work to keep each other awake.
  • Many people do in fact die while they sleep.
  • When Eliezer falls asleep, his dad wakes him and warns him not to fall asleep-it’s dangerous to sleep in the snow.
  • Eliezer’s father directs him to a shed to sleep in.
  • The road seems endless, but finally (after many hours) they are at last ordered to rest.
  • He stops for a second to try to relieve it and he ends up getting trampled to death by all the prisoners.
  • Eliezer’s friend Zalman gets a stomach cramp.
  • The prisoners aren’t marching, but running through the snow while the SS yell at them to go faster faster faster! The SS will kill anyone who can’t keep up.

  • Racing of the night book summary